Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

Foto Eksklusif Letusan Gunung Chili

Foto Eksklusif Letusan Gunung Chili
source all picture by dailymail
Chili, sebuah negara di Amerika Selatan berlinang airmata ketika melihat langit yang merah karena letusan gunung api. Musibah ini paling terdahsyat sejak 50 tahun terakhir.
Di langit Chili kilatan petir berselang-seling menyambar langit. Pemerintah telah mengevakuasi ribuan orang ke temapt aman. Dan angin pun menghembuskan debu hingga sampai ke negara tetangga, Argentina.
Spectacular: a time-lapse photo shows lightning bolts striking around the puyehue-cordon caulle volcanic chain in patagonia

As a precaution, the government said it was evacuating 3,500 people from the surrounding area

Nature's force: lightning and volcanic fire is seen amid and underneath a towering cloud of ash. it is the first time the volcano has erupted in 50 years

Incredible lightening bolts strike around the plume of volcanic ash and smoke

An extraordinary cloud formation is created by the ash rising several miles into the atmosphere

A woman wipes a thick layer of volcanic ash away from the windscreen of her car

Headlights on, a car creeps through a street covered in ash. one could be forgiven for thinking this was a wintry scene covered in snow

Caught in the sunlight: beautiful but deadly, the cloud turns fiery red in the sunshine as the eruption continues to belch ash skyward

Smiling lightning: as molten rock and gases are ejected from the core of the volcano below, what appears to be a 'have a nice day' face is formed from the electrically charged air

Protection: carrying bottles of water and soft drinks this man wears a gas mask to avoid breathing in ash

As darkness falls the centre of this argentinian town looks like it could be a wintry wonderland in the austrian mountains

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